“Dash To It”

Nothing beats great creative.

Adam was fortunate enough to team up with Quality Meats and BMP Film Co. as the director on this project. As soon as Quality Meats passed the brief to Adam he disappeared into his office for a few days, only breaking for snacks and the occasional manhattan. Adam envisioned the copy as a Dasher’s fever dream coming to life. The high energy, hyperrealism was fully intended and created a fun aesthetic for the narrative to exist within. As always the process is the most rewarding aspect, but Adam also was rewarded with creating final cut that was very close to what he imagined in the early phases of prep. Adam is happy with the final cut and can’t thank BMP and Quality Meats enough for the continued collaboration.


Client: DoorDash
Agency: Quality Meats
CCO: Gordy Sang and Brian Siedband

Production Company: BMP Film Co
EP: Ben Mahoney
Producer: CJ Richter
Director: Adam Moorman
DP: Jon Hamblin
Post: Optimus


All locations
Chicago, IL


Beat The Streets

