“I Can’t Have You But I Want You”

A Cute Thief.

Our friends at Bloodshot Records reached out for another video and we were quick to accept. The band and label had concocted a fun idea about a female guitar player. We kicked that concept around until someone suggested, “What if a little girl steals a guitar?” Everyone thought that was a rad concept, so off we went to storyboard and shotlist.

The track itself is a rocking tune that feels like a blast from the past. We thought shooting on anamorphic lenses would allow for a cinematic experience that also felt nostalgic. We used specific props and wardrobe to create a “new-meets-old” aesthetic. We wanted it to be a good story, that’s sweet and rockin’, and fun to watch.


Production Company: All Day Breakfast
Client: Bloodshot Records
Director: Adam Moorman
Producer: Sean Pierce
DP: Jon Hamblin
Gaffer: Ryan Camden
Editor: Casey Lock
Colorist: Jeff Altmam


Shuga Records
Chicago, IL

Chicago Music Exchange
Chicago, IL

Chicago, IL


Farm Promise


Ha Ha Tonka